

Beauty and the Beast Birthday Party

My daughter has been totally OBSESSED with Beauty and the Beast this year, so when she turned 4 in September, she of course had a Beauty and the Beast themed birthday party!

On her actual birthday we had these cupcakes with strawberries on the top I made to look like roses...

I made a photo banner with photos of my daughter dressed up like Belle and photos from the new movie. I focused the theming of the party around the gold, blue, red colours from the new movie.

I had some photos in frames from when my girls met Belle at Disneyland a year and a half earlier...

I made this print...

For the party when extended family came, we had pizza, veggies and dip, and chips. I had themed labels out for everything...

I like to label what each kind of pizza is so that people can take what they like and I don't have to keep relaying what is on each pizza!

We did the same cupcakes with strawberries to look like roses on top...

With the cupcakes, I had out some chocolates that were wrapped in foil gold and "Grey Stuff" dip to enjoy with cookies and strawberries. The grey stuff truly is delicious!

 I love that my girls love Beauty and the Beast so much, since that was my favourite Disney movie as a kid. My daughter really loved her Beauty and the Beast birthday party!

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