

Harry Potter Themed Birthday Party

When my daughter turned 7, she had a Harry Potter themed party and I was very excited that she chose that theme!

Our front door was made to resemble Platform 9 3/4...

I had a spot set up for people to have pictures taken in a nod to Sirius Black's wanted posters...

Potions bottles were set out...

I made the shelf in our living room into a mini Hogwarts Library with our Harry Potter things set up...

My daughter loved this frame I made and still has it in her room months after her party...

My sister collects owls and kindly loaned some to us so we could have a little Owlery set up...

I made wands for party favors...

A board of socks for freeing House Elves...

When extended family came to celebrate my daughter's birthday with us, we had a hot dog lunch since that's my daughter's most favourite meal...

When her friends came for a friend party, I just had a few healthy snacks out. "Yogurt Wands" and the cheese strings and pretzels were out so the kids could made "Quidditch Brooms" to eat...

My daughter loves art and made the "Harry Potter" signs for her party months ahead of time- she did an excellent job!

Even our bathrooms were decorated in the Harry Potter theme...

The door to the playroom...

For the family party, I ended up making 2 birthday cakes!

I made this version of the cake Hagrid made for Harry in the first movie...

The movie version compared to mine...

I also made a quidditch themed cake...

My daughter dressed up as Hermione sure loved her birthday cakes and all the Harry Potter themed birthday fun!

I also had out pretzels as "Wands", sour gummy worms as "Sour Slugs, and gourmet jelly beans as "Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans"...

Cupcakes at her friend party...

On her actual birthday when it was just our little family, we had this ice cream cake from Dairy Queen...

She took cupcakes to school for her class as well that had cupcake picks in the designs of the 4 houses at Hogwarts...

At her friend party, the kids played this game of "Pin the Scar on Harry"...

These were the treat bags for her friend party...

My daughter sure enjoyed all the Harry Potter "magic" at her birthday celebrations!

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