

Blue/Grey/Yellow Bathroom Decor

 I'm going to try to post more on this blog. A few months ago I added some new decor to my bathroom. It's the upstairs bathroom by the bedrooms, so it's the one our family uses the most.

I painted the yellow frame on the wall and added photos of my kiddos with mustaches. Just for fun.

Since I took these photos, I bought a striped rug for in front of the sink.

I painted all the little frames in this photo, as well as a vase.

I created this print to hand above the toilet since I think it's hilarious. I suffer from a form of kidney disease where I frequently have multiple or many kidney stones and the associated pain.

I painted the large square yellow &  grey damask print using paint and a stencil. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out!

I framed some photos of my 3 kids in the bath as babies.
I created the "Bubbles" print and the others in the frame with it.
For the "Wash" print, there was one I found online to download for free, but I couldn't get it to work, so I created my own.
I made this Embroidery Hoop Wreath a couple years ago and it was already on the bathroom door.

And that's our bathroom! I love that it's bright and colourful and FUN!

1 comment:

  1. Oh it looks lovely! I think I have those frames with the three pictures set. I love redecorating a space. We are currently working on crown molding for our downstairs bathroom, and painted it gray. Its nice, but still unfinished. Found your post in my BlogLovin feed. Hope you have a great week and I'm stopping by from would love a visit. :)


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