

The Remodel of My Childhood Doll House

When I was expecting my first daughter, I began remodelling my childhood doll house!

It was quite late 80's/early 90's in style. Here are some before photos...

I decided to leave the exterior alone, but I painted the inside walls & trim and redid the fireplace...

I painted the table and painted a design on the wall with a stencil...

I painted and added new fabric onto the furniture & sewed little cushions.
I painted mini canvases and added photos of both my daughters at the same age to look like artwork.

I still have yet to re-do the couch in the living room. 
I made the curtains and curtain rod. I made the little white table and the books. The books were made with paper and mod podge. The are stiff and likely can't be destroyed by my kids.
I got the pink mini chalkboard in the dollar section at Michael's. I made the little rug when I was little at a church activity I believe.
In the frame above the couch I added a photo of my 3 kids.

Upstairs I made some bedding for the bed and made the little nightstand and painted the lamp.
I went through my scrapbook stash and added some items onto the wall for decorations.
I sewed more little cushions. My MIL made the little pink rug. The doily-type rugs are doilies I picked up in the dollar section at Michael's.

I really enjoyed decorating up my old doll house for my girls to have! My older daughter is turning 5 in the spring and really wants a big plastic Barbie Dream House and I am all for getting her one cause I think it would be cool for Barbie to have neighbors. lol She is quite obsessed with Barbies- like mother, like daughter!

Anyone else pass on their childhood doll house to their daughter(s)??


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