

Christmas Card Books

I wanted to do something with the Christmas cards we receive each year, so I finally figured out what I wanted to do: I created a little book of them for each year.
I had our cards saved for all the years that my husband & I have been married, here are all 9 books I made- 2005-2013...

I wanted them to be super-simple so it's easy to make one each year. All I did was punch holes through all the cards, photos, & letters and I bound them together using gold raffia. Ribbon would have also been great. I used a 4x6 card for the front and another one for the back of each book from my Project Life kits. And I labelled them and wrote the year. It doesn't get any easier, I tell ya!

I used cards from the Amber Edition, the Clementine Edition, The Honey Edition, and the Midnight Edition of Project Life.

It's been neat looking through them and seeing the older photos of our family and friends!

This was the perfect solution in my mind since all the cards are a total variety of shapes and sizes.

They are stored in this basket for the month of December, then I can easily make a new book for 2014 and add it to the collection before storing these away until next Christmas!

What do you do with your Christmas cards at the end of the holidays each year? Do you toss them or do you save them??

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