

My Son's 6th Birthday Party- Angry Birds Theme!

Soooooo... it's been a long time since I last posted! Since I last blogged here, we sold our house in the city, bought a new house in a new town, and had our 3rd child! I am finally feeling ready to post here again!

Last December, my son turned 6 and he had an Angry Birds themed party!

Thankfully Angry Birds stuff is a bit easier to find in party stores. Here's the set up we had for his parties (We did a friends party, then one with extended family over. It was a lot of work and a very busy December!!)

He enjoyed setting up some of his Angry Birds toys on the tables as centerpieces...

For his friends party, I did a hot dogs with all the fixings I could think of. We also had veggies & dip, mandarin oranges, and some snacky chips and the like...

I bought his cake for this party from a bakery and it was delicious!

For party games, we simply did some party faves:

-Pin the Tail on the Donkey
-Musical Chairs

The kids sure enjoyed playing with the toys on the tables...

The following Saturday when we had his party with extended family, we ordered pizza. We again had veggies & dip and snacky foods out as well.

I covered bottled water in Angry birds wrapping paper for his parties and did the same to the lg bottles of soda pop...

For the family party I made these cupcakes...

Wrapping paper on the drinks is such an easy & expensive way to add some more of the theme to the party food...

My son was very excited to have some temporary tattoos out for his party guests to wear...

The birthday boy with his cupcakes...

We bought the banner & balloons and used some pictures and his Angry Birds poster as some party decor...

And I can't for the life of me find my picture of the treat bags! But we had those, too! :)

My son sure loved his Angry Birds birthday!

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful event organization! Everything is planned so well in the party. I can see the arrangements you have done and your hard work so you must be very busy. Can you share ideas on events in New York? I would like to attend those events.


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