

"Have a happy summer, Smartie!" {End-of-the-Year Classmate Gifts}

The school year is winding down around here. My son will be finished kindergarten next week & I wanted to put together a little something for everyone in his class......

I bought the orange bags from Target. A pack of 20 for only $1.
The Smarties were $0.69 each from the dollar store.
And the bubbles came in packs of 6 for $2 from the dollar store.

So of course each bag had a box of Smarties + a thing of bubbles......

I made up the labels on my computer, then printed them off on white cardstock. 
I wrote this simple message:
"Have a happy summer, Smartie!
From: Jason"

When I read the label to my son, he laughed like crazy, so apparently I chose the right caption for my audience of 5 and 6 year olds! Ha! :)
Today his class had their year-end class party since there are a bunch of school-wide activities planned for next week. These bags were a hit with the kindergaten kids!!

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