

Classic Organization Posts

Happy Monday & welcome to the first day in my series this week: Classic Crafting and Creativity!

Each day this week I will share a round-up of my favourite & the most-viewed past posts.

Today is all about Organization!!

My Household Binder- I still use it daily & LOVE how it keeps me organized! I am also adding new sections as needed...

My Filing System- This system has worked so well for me over the past 3 years!...

Important Numbers On Our Fridge- I have our emergency numbers in a fridge frame & this is a paper I have all our family members' home & cell numbers on for quick reference...

The Organization of our Photos on CDs- This is such a simple solution that has made life so much easier...

Toy Storage in My Son's Closet- This system is awesome in his room! I have since labeled the little green bins to match...

Closet Dividers in My Daughter's Room- A great way for babies & little kids who have lots of clothes to grow into yet...

See you again tomorrow! :)


  1. love the 'too big' wardrobe hanger!

  2. Great posts! Love the photos on CD!

  3. Hi Sarah, You have so many great ideas here! Can you come to my house and help me get organized? lol

    I wanted to let you know that I've nominated you for a Liebster Blog Award. Check and it out and see if you can find Waldo (don't ask!)

    Cheers, Renee :-)

  4. Hey there! I am visiting from the Thee Blog Hop. I am a little late but I just wanted to stop by! I am a new follower! I blog over at hope you will stop by and do the same. I have an awesome giveaway going on with a Cricut machine! I would Love it if you would stop by and enter!



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