

Canada Day Canvas

I have another simple Canada Day craft to share with you today, a Canada Day Canvas.......

I had some of this awesome scrapbook paper in my scrapbook stash & I thought the squares & design of the paper would be cool on a canvas......

So I cut out the squares I wanted to use. I had an 8 x 10 canvas, so I had enough space to include 12 of the squares.

I figured out how I wanted them placed & used Mod Podge to add them onto the canvas....

I really liked how it turned out! And I also love how easy it was to make!!


  1. I'm not Canadian, but I had a whole bunch of Canadian roommates in college. I learned quickly to appreciate all things Canada :) So, I love all your Canadian crafts and am sharing them with my old roomies.

  2. Both my husband and me are Canadian living in the United States. COme check out some of my Canadian memorabilia too.

  3. That is fantastic! I've never decorated for Canada Day...maybe I should start! Can't wait for the long weekend. :)

  4. Great project. I know my kids will enjoy making one too.

  5. Cute! Nicely done! Glad you shared at Shine on Fridays.

  6. I think this is my favorite Canada Day craft. You found the best papers to use for each of your projects and I love that when you couldn't find what you used tape. Clever!

  7. This is so cute! I bought some mod podge a few months ago to do something like this but never got around to it. You have given me new inspiration...except I will probably go with a USA theme :) Thanks for posting.


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