

How To Make Rolled Felt Flowers

Happy Tuesday! Here in Canada we just had a long weekend for Victoria Day & I also celebrated my 25th birthday on Saturday. So it's extra-hard getting back into the swing of things today, especially since it's raining outside & the forecast has rain for the rest of the week, too!

I have had some comments and emails asking me to do a tutorial on how I made the felt flowers in THIS POST, so I am happy to help out!

Let's get started!

First, you start off with a long piece of felt, the longer the piece the larger the circumference of the flower will be. The width will determine the height of the flower since the piece will be folded in half.

Add of line of glue with your glue gun, then fold the felt over.

Next, cut snips on the folded side using your scissors. You can do the cuts close together or far apart & each one will alter the look of your flower.

Then you just start rolling it.....

Add a dab of glue when you get to the end...

Then you can cut out a circle of felt to go at the bottom. This is where you can add felt "leaves" if you so choose.

Then you're done!

For a different look, you can do diagonal cuts all the way down...

That till give you a flower that looks like this...

Repeat the flower making process again & again, cause they are super-easy to create!


  1. So easy and cute!
    Thanks for the tutorial! :)


  2. WOW....thanks for the tutorial! I think even I can do that. :)

  3. That's so much easier than I thought it was- thanks for showing the how-to!

  4. I've always wondered how these were made. I had no idea it was so simple. Thanks so much for sharing.

    I'd love it if you'd link up with me at Off the Hook!

  5. these are great sarah!!!

    Natasha @

  6. This is a fantastic project! I've always wondered exactly how to make those and you explained it so well.
    Would you consider linking it up at my Pinworthy Projects Party? I hope to see you there!

  7. Thanks for the tutorial. I love how they turned out!

  8. These are so cute and you made them sound easy:) Yes, you are right, the possibilites are endless:) Just visiting from the May Blog Hop and am now following you. I would also love to invite you to link this up to Freedom Fridays Blog Hop.

    PS Check out my May 24th post where I am co hosting Katherine's Corner Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop. TWO Parties, one place! So hoping to see you there!

  9. This looks way easier than I thought! Thanks for sharing the tutorial! Already pinned this =)

  10. I made these once to put on a yarn wreath they are way fun to make! Looks cute

  11. Came over from Twigg - how can something so cute be that easy? Thank you for sharing your project - I love it.

    Distressed Donna Down Home

  12. These are adorable! I love the ones that you cut on an angle! I hope you'll link this up at my new link party:

    Thanks! Sarah

  13. Thank you for sharing these awesome flowers at Freedom Fridays. Have a marvelous week!

  14. Nice tute! I so need to make some of these. I would love it if you would share at my linky party Tout It Tuesday

  15. This is a such a great, thorough tutorial! I love it...thanks for linking it up with us @ Toot Your Horn Tuesday!


  16. So cute! I need to make some for my daughter! I know she would love them!!

  17. These are such sweet flowers. Thank you for the wonderful tutorial. ~Kelly

    unDeniably Domestic

  18. This is an awesome tutorial, thank you so much for posting it. I recently followed your tutorial and posted about it. I would love for you to check it out tomorrow when it post at


  19. Hi! thanks for this little tutorial, been meaning to make some of these! New Linky Follower and G+.


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