

my daughter's 2nd birthday party- Dora theme!

My little girl recently turned 2 and a Dora party seemed the perfect theme for the occasion. 
She loves Dora!

I made & mailed out these invitations...

It was harder than I thought to find Dora party stuff! It seems to be all Princess of Tinkerbell for girl's party stuff. I managed to find some Dora stuff, I made up some, and I decided that pink, orange, and purple was a fitting colour scheme to have as well.

We ordered pizza & had that set up in the kitchen & the other stuff was set up at the table like so....

I made tissue paper pom pom- so easy & inexpensive and they are just so perfect for a girl's party!

We had veggies & dip and chips to eat with the pizza...

The large pink clothespin held one of her invitations.

I had a square bowl upside down as a stand to set the stack of party hats on. My daughter wore hers for the entire party which was super cute! She was just in heaven with all the Dora stuff & all her guests there (extended family!)

I covered water bottles & the 2L bottles of pop (orange, cream soda, and grape- the party colours!) in Dora wrapping paper.

At the dollar store I found a Dora calendar for a buck, so I cut out 3 of the pictures from that to add to the wall...

And these removable wall stickers were another thing that made my daughter happy...

The cups were in the party section at Toys R Us and were the only Dora thing they had. 
They were great to hold our plastic cutlery for dessert time.

At cake time, the table was set up like this....

Along with her cake, we had a jar of jelly beans, a jar filled with little boxes of smarties & then I made up different chocolate-dipped pretzels and some marshmallow pops...

The marshmallow pops...

I like to do up little treat bags for my kids & their cousins!

One of the things I included were packs of Smarties...

.... that I covered with Dora scrapbook paper!

The treat bag goodies.......

Each bag had: stickers, blow-out toy, Dora gummies, and the Smarties.

But the best part of the party, was how much my daughter loved it!
She had such a fun time!!


  1. Can't believe she is 2! Glad she could have a fun birthday after all the sickness.
    I think you picked perfect colors to match Dora.

  2. So cute, and your daughter is adorable. Hope you all had fun.

  3. My daughter loves Dora too!! Super cute party!!

  4. My daughter loves Dora too!! super cute party!

  5. Your daughter is just adorable. This totally takes me back. My oldest daughter, who is now 10, LOVED Dora (she would not be happy to see me type this now). We had 2 or 3 Dora parties for her. I love the way you used the wrapping paper and the calendar. Very clever! Cute party!

  6. This party is so cute! My daughter turns 2 in October, and my husband and I have decided on a Dora Fiesta theme. I'll HAVE to use some of your decorating ideas... they are too stinkin' cute! So glad that I saw your link on Craft-O-Maniac... I'm your newest follower. Would love to have you visit my site soon....


  7. Aw! Great job Sarah! I'm sure your little girl loved it! I did a Dora party when my daughter turned two as well. Yours was better!

    I'm visiting from the Lines Across My face linky party. I would love for you to stop by my blog.

    Thanks for sharing,

  8. Aww...I love it! My daughter had a Dora birthday party when she was 3....and now she's 10! It seems like it was just yesterday! :)

  9. Oooh, those marshmallow pops look delicious!

  10. Dora is a favorite for the little people in our family!! What a cute party idea! You went to a lot of work. Thanks for being a part of our "Strut Your Stuff Saturday." Hope to see you again real soon!! -The Sisters

  11. What a cute party! I love the calendar pictures on the wall - clever! I'm planning on making some of those tissue paper puffs for my sister's bridal shower in a couple weeks - I love how they look!

  12. The party is very cute. My daughter's dora themed party is in couple of weeks.

  13. Such a sweet party. Wrapping paper on the bottles! Such a good idea. The calendar pages too. Thanks for linking up to Pin-ed it, Made it.

  14. You created such a lovely party for your little girl! What great memories you are creating! You thought of every little detail. How impressive! Thanks for linking up and sharing with us @ Toot Your Horn Tuesday! We can't wait to see what you have to share with us next!


  15. What a great job!! I’m trying to find Dora ideas as well for my daughter who is turning 2. Now this is a no-brainer i’m sure but how do you make those pom-poms? Thanks

  16. You did a great job!!! So creative. I’m hoping to purchase what I can but I will try to make a few things if need be - my daughter turns 2 soon. Dora Dora Dora!! I’m sure this is a no brainer but i have no creative abilities - how did you make those tissue pom-poms?

    Thanks, Kyla

  17. What a great job!! I’m trying to find Dora ideas as well for my daughter who is turning 2. Now this is a no-brainer i’m sure but how do you make those pom-poms? Thanks

  18. Dessert table Decorations are so creative.Dora the explorer theme sounds really fun.Awesome.

    Hire Dora & Diego Birthday Party Characters


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