

Easter Egg Snack Time

I know I have been really M.I.A. lately on my blog.

We had stomach flu go through our family last week. 
Then my husband went to the hospital with awful stomach pains & later that same day he was having surgery to have his appendix removed. {He is supposed to take 1-2 weeks off work & isn't able to lift anything over 10 lbs for 3 weeks, which has been hard for our daughter who is a daddy's girl!}
Then we had an annoying flood in our basement.
Then I got a bad cold.
And yesterday my husband's 12 year old cousin passed away. So very sad!

It has been an intense week!

I have been trying to get creative in ways to keep my kids busy (my son is 4 & my daughter is almost 2).
They have spent a LOT of time colouring. My daughter is obsessed with crayons & colouring books.

The other day I decided to try an idea I saw on Pinterest to have snacks for my kids inside plastic Easter eggs. They LOVED it!

Some snack ideas include:
  • goldfish crackers
  • cheerios 
  • gummies
  • fruit (berries, cut-up apple pieces, grapes)
  • raisins or craisins
  • mini cookies
  • ritz bits crackers
  • cheese- shredded or small cubes

... pretty much anything that can fit inside the eggs that your kiddos like to eat!

Try it out! I bet your kids will think it's totally awesome!



  1. This is such a cute idea! I'd want it for myself =)

  2. This is such a great idea! Thanks for sharing! Found you through The Sasse Life Sunday Social and I am happy to be a new follower. Have a great night!

  3. This is soooo cute! Thanks for joining us for "Strut Your Stuff Saturday." Come and join us again next week! -The Sisters

  4. What a lovely way to present snacks. So nice, in fact, they may even eat broccoli offered that way!

  5. This is the best idea for easter I have seen this season. This is simple, colorful and doable without a high level of talent or skill. I am always looking for ideas that don't tap me because I'm busy doing things that require my skill and attention. This is awesome!!
    I'm following you because of the fresh simplicity of this snack presentation that is sure to make my girl smile and be happy. I will also give this out on Easter to my daughter's cousin and my girl for their snack after the morning events.

  6. Su much fun! Thanks for linking to Pinned it, Made it!

  7. adorable! My youngest is almost 2 and has discovered how easter eggs work. We'll have to do this for him. He loves mandarin oranges so those will be in a few of his snack eggs. :)

  8. I dropped in from the Friday blog hop. What a fun idea!

  9. Great idea! My 3 yr old is egg-obsessed right now!


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