

hair clip for Christmas

Hey everyone, just wanted to quickly share a cute little clip I made for my daughter to wear in her hair this season....

I found some Jolee's Boutique glittery flowers on clearance at Michael's. 

So all I had to do was cover the alligator clip in ribbon, add on a foam grip, and then the flower!

I actually made this one day last week when I was up in the night with her at 3 am after she had a coughing fit in the night.

Isn't it super-cute on this pretty little girl of mine?!

I also had her wearing this headband I made her last Christmas....


  1. I love it! I don't know what I am going to do if we have a girl...Daniel despises glitter, it seams to follow him everywhere! haha

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    Chelsea Wakley
    (this is only open to US residents, if this is not a possibility please let me know)

  3. That is just too cute, her clip!

  4. gorgeous, dahling!
    please inform your sweetie pie of a daughter that i said that. :) x

  5. Well done - and you have a beautiful little model for your hair drafts :)


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