

heart map shadowbox frames

I was inspired by a couple of things I "pinned" on Pinterest a couple of months ago. {This post by Everything Fab and this post by Tickety Boo.}

I knew I needed to make my own version!

Here are my heart map shadowbox frames...

I used these frames from the dollar store. I painted them white, which took a few coats.

I used some AMA maps to cut out a couple places in the states that are special to me & my husband. (Las Vegas- our honeymoon spot and also Los Angeles/Anaheim)

I made a stencil using a piece of cardstock and traced around with a pencil, then cut out the hearts.

Then I glued them into the frames using Mod Podge.

The Los Angeles one- I made sure to include LA, Hollywood, Anaheim, and the beaches we visited (and the ones we're planning on visiting next month!)

The Las Vegas one- I made sure to include Vegas with Hoover Dam of course!

They will be the perfect addition to our bedroom!

And the project cost me only $2.50- not too shabby! :)

{This project was featured on One Pretty Thing.}

Places to Party: Chicy Creations, C.R.A.F.T., Crystal's Craft Spot, Ginger Snap Crafts, Homemaker in Heels, Homemaker on a Dime, It's FUN to Craft, Keeping it Simple, Lolly Jane Boutique, Laugh, Love, and Craft, Lil' Luna, Making the World Cuter, My Junk Drawer, Naptime Crafters, Sassy Sites!, Simply Designing, Skip to my Lou, Someday Crafts, Somewhat Simple, Sugar Bee Crafts, Sumo's Sweet Stuff, Tatertots and Jello, The Girl Creative, Tip Junkie, Today's Creative Blog, Trendy Treehouse, Yesterday on Tuesday, Young and Crafty


  1. this is adorable! I'm definaty going to copy it ;) thanks for sharing!!

  2. these look great! will be doing them soon!

  3. How cute are these!! I just returned from Italy and I have been searching for something fun to do with all the maps I collected on the trip!

  4. Another great craft! Thanks for linking up!
    Renee @

  5. I have the worst dollar store on earth in the area! I'm so jealous yours has shadow box frames. I really love what you did with them! Such a cute idea!

  6. Oh my goodness, this is the cutest idea! I am definitely going to make something similar for my house. Thanks for the inspiration!


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