

the winner is...

... #10 Amie!! Congratulations, I have already contacted you via email. Thanks so much to all who entered, we'll have to have another giveaway here soon :)


I typically try to keep this blog strictly about crafty stuff, but here are some of my thoughts right now...

Last week was busy in my home! There was so much going on here and I suffered from headaches pretty well the whole week. [I did manage to make some crafty stuff, so check back soon :)] December is a busy month as I'm sure you all know. But I love Christmas. I love spending more time with family. I can't wait to celebrate my son's 3rd birthday soon. And I can't wait until my kids get to open up their Christmas presents! This season is just full of magic and joy. I love that my son is able to understand more this year about our Saviour Jesus Christ and why we celebrate Christmas.

One day last week I just had too much going on and felt overwhelmed. Then I received a sweet email from Terry at Cherished Treasures telling me that she was featuring this blog of mine. That gave me a much-needed boost. I love that through our blogs, we can share our creativity with each other and inspire one another. I love that through comments and feature posts that we can make someone's day.

Cherished Treasures”=

Thanks to Terry and all those who have left me kind comments and featured something I made. I have said before that I started this blog on a total whim. I think it's awesome that there are people out there, many who don't even reside in the same country as me, that come and check to see what my latest project is.

I hope that we can all enjoy this wonderful Christmas season and take time with our family to reflect about the true meaning of Christmas. I hope that we can do something to boost someone's day. And that we remember the greatest gift of all, the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. (You can read more about my beliefs here.)

Merry Christmas!!

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