

ric rac rosette headband TUTORIAL

Today I'm going to show you how to make one of these adorable headbands. They are cute, they only require a few supplies, and you can make one in only minutes!!
The only supplies you will need are: your ric rac ribbon (I got mine at Michael's), glue gun, scissors, and some elastic for the headband itself.

All you do is roll your ribbon, and glue it every so often as you roll it. When it's the size you want, cut it from your ribbon spool.

And voila!!

You have a cute little rosette!

I glued 3 together onto a thin piece of ribbon that I has measured to fit my baby's head.

Here's my daughter in her newest headband:


  1. That turned out super cute!

    Hannah @

  2. So cute! I hope you'll come and link up at TOO Cute Tuesday at Funky PolkaDot Giraffe!


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