

card folder

This past weekend was my mom's birthday. Something I added to her gift was this set of handmade cards:

She likes crafty things but doesn't make things herself. I had given her a few cards I made in the past and she loved having handmade cards on hand. I put this set of 22 cards in this pink zippered folder by occasion so she can find what she needs easily and add more as she desires. I added a fabric twisty flower to one side using my glue gun.

How fun would this gift idea be for someone's stocking or for sisters you visit teach at church this Christmas?!


  1. This is a really good gift idea! They all turned out adorable!

    Thanks so much for linking up to SS!

    Hannah @

  2. Great idea. What a sweet gift idea. I think my mom would love something like this as well.

  3. What a great gift. I'd love them too especially since I stink at making cards. =D Thanks for linking up to Scrappy Saturdays.


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