

I got another award!

Thanks so much to Ellen from Creative Passage for giving me the Versatile Blogger award! Thank you for thinking of me :)

I have to tell 7 things about myself. I had a hard enough time thinking of 7 things for the last award...hmm.......

  1. I grew up in a big family. I have 5 brothers (4 older, 1 younger) and 2 younger sisters. So I had all 5 brothers before getting my sisters.
  2. I get extremely nauseous and sick when I fly. I can get car sick easily on driving trips, but flying makes me feel horrible. Yet my husband & I have lots of trips that would involve us flying that we want to do when our kids are a little bit older. It's fun seeing new places and I'm not going to let the nausea hold me back! lol
  3. I have some issues with OCD when it comes to things being clean and organized in our home. I try to not let the little things bug me ALL the time.
  4. I love to read. I love books that I can't put down, but then I fly through them and feel sad when they're over.
  5. I get excited every time a book I have read is made into a movie. But always feel disappointed because the movie never comes close to doing the book justice.
  6. I have always loved making crafts. Even all the way back in school when it was "art time". There's just something about cutting paper and gluing things together that I enjoy. So my scrapbooking hobby was just a natural progression.
  7. My favorite season is fall. I love that it is cooler out, but not too cold. That's my husband's favorite season as well, so we chose October as the month to get married in. And that's usually when we choose to go on our annual holiday to the mountains.
Now I have to choose 5 blogs to pass this award along to:
  1. Home Made for Kids
  2. Aprons & Art
  3. Critique of the Unique
  4. Debbidoos
  5. Hootiebee's


  1. Thanks so much for award!!! I am so excited--it's my first award! Appreciate you.

    Critique of the Unique

  2. Congratulations! I wish I was given an award too.

  3. Hi,

    I am visiting from New friends Friday, I love sewing, Really like the headband that you made for your daughter :) congratulations on your award.

    Claire @ madefor3


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