

folded fabric headband

I have seen so many posts about these folded fabric headbands. I finally got around to trying them. And they are so easy & are just super-cute! Here's how I made mine:

I traced a circle shape onto 2 pieces of fabric using a juice glass. I made 2 circles using each type of fabric.

I cut a circle piece of fabric. Then folded each circle piece of fabric in half, then folded again so the piece looked like this and secured it using my glue gun.

Then added another.........

......and then the next two:

Using my glue gun, I added this white flower-shaped button to the centre:

Instead of leaving the piece of elastic as is, I made a cover for it with the solid pink fabric, using my sewing machine.

Since it was my first time sewing a headband cover, there are a couple of things I will do next time to make it look better.

I like how it turned out. And I love how it looks on my pretty little girl!!


  1. oh my goodness how darling!!!!!

    ~ Emily N. from "too Blessed to Stress

  2. What a punkin pie!!!!! Love the headband. Visiting from the Girl Creative.

  3. this is cute!!I am now following you thanks to New Friend Fridays and you can return the favor back on my blog!
    Also we have the coolest blog-hop there is... no rules just fun and would love you to join in:) Happy Friday!

  4. She is a cutie and I LOVE that head band, they look so easy I may need to try some.

  5. I'm a new follower ! I found you thru Boost My Blog Fridays !! This a great blog and I can't wait to explore it ! Drop by mine if you get a chance

  6. hey I am a new follower and I was looking for your e-mail... I wanted to see if you would like to blog swap... Come take a look at my blog and let me know.

  7. What cute headbands. I noticed the tulle one too. ADORABLE! Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier. Just thought I would click this way. :)

  8. You have a lovely blog. I've enjoyed visiting this morning.

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  9. That's cute. Thanks for the explanation of the flower. I'm gonna try that too!

  10. Precious!! Such an adorbale baby...and crafty creation! I'm loving your blog and I'm so excited to be your newest follower! I would also like to invite you to my link party/giveaway every Friday at FrouFrouDecor! I love new friends and hope to see you there!
    ~Terrell @ FFD~


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