

another blog award

Thanks to Jennifer at Life with the Lebadas for passing this award along to me! She has a fun blog that you should check out!

The rules for this award are as follows:

  • thank and link back to the person that gave you the award.
  • share 7 things about yourself.
  • pass the award to 7 fellow bloggers that inspire you.
  • let them know about the award.

Here are 7 things about me:

  1. I am a night owl. But since I've been a mom I have to try to go to bed a bit earlier because my son has always been an early riser and my baby & I are usually up between 6 and 6:30. every day. So staying up late isn't very practical for me.
  2. My favorite colour is pink. yet the idea of painting our daughter's room pink never appealed to me at all.
  3. I am a neat freak. I feel most comfortable when everything in our home is in it's place.
  4. I can't stand having nail polish on my fingernails. But always have my toenails painted.
  5. Since I was pregnant with my son a few years back, I don't like chewing gum anymore. I prefer cinnamon mints instead.
  6. I love taking pictures. It makes me very happy to capture the "perfect" shot. My kids are my favorite subjects to photograph!
  7. I have more ideas for craft projects than time to make stuff. I'm hoping to get a few more projects posted on this blog soon though. I'm trying to recover from the fun & busy long weekend we just had!

I'm passing this award along to:

  1. Maryanne from Crafty Mommy Diva
  2. Summer from Sumo's Sweet Stuff
  3. Emily from Too Blessed to Stress
  4. Elizabeth @ Twelve Crafts Till Christmas
  5. Beth @ Two Monkeys & A Washtub
  6. Kerstin @ Mommy Time Crafts
  7. Jenn @ My Delicious Ambiguity


  1. Thank you! I love blog awards!
    Beth @ Two Monkeys & a Washtub

  2. Thanks so much Sarah! So kind of you to pass this award on to me!

  3. Thanks so much! I love awards. Great facts about you; very interesting since so many are opposites.

  4. Hi, blogging is so cool, so it's great to see you rewarding other people's blogging attempts - share the love! Am now following for you, feel free to stalk (follow) my two new blogs Am looking forward to more inspiration from you, Jane :)

  5. Oh my goodness you are the greatest! I appreciate it so much :) posting this one tomorrow!

    ~ Emily N. from "too Blessed to Stress"

  6. Thank you soooo much for this award. I'm honored that you thought of me. You've really made my day! :)


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