

wipes case

A few weeks ago, a friend at church had the cutest little wipes container that she made. As I was admiring it, she told me just how easy it was to make. So I finally made my own! It was harder than I thought to find the right type of wipes container. I looked at a few places and even had my mom on the lookout for one, too. I was thrilled when I finally came across one last week. I bought some pretty fabric a week ago that was a remnant so it was only $3 for the big piece of it.

The only thing I needed that I didn't have was a glue gun. I know, I can't believe I didn't own one either! So I finally bought a cute pinkish purple one on Saturday! It will get a lot of use for my next projects as well!

So here is the finished product:

I made the little fabric yo-yo for the top & added a button to jazz it up a bit. I decided to sew in part of some fabric I already had for the middle strip on the top part.

Here's the bottom of the case:

It's now in the diaper bag along with this diaper clutch my cousin made me when Jason was born. (I made the little yo-yo flower to make it coordinate a bit with the wipes case.)

I found this tutorial online if you want to make one, too. I think I will try making a wipes case along with the diaper holder for baby gifts. I know a lot of ladies expecting babies this summer and fall!

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