

a blog award already!

I was given my first award for this new blog of mine today:

The rules for this award are:

1. Thank the person who gave this award to you.
Thanks to Maryanne from Scrappy Gifts for passing this award along to me! She is a very sweet and talented gal!!

2. Copy the award and put it on your blog.
3. List three things which you love about yourself.
  • my organizational skills
  • my "job" of being a stay-at-home mom
  • my talent of being able to do so many things one-handed. I'm sure other moms can relate :)

4. Post a picture you love. I love this recent photo of my kids. I love these 2 sooo much!

5. Tag five people you wish to pass this award on to.

  1. Crystal @ Crystal's Craft Spot
  2. Kaysi @ Keeping it Simple
  3. Emily @ Too Blessed to Stress
  4. Cori-Lyn @ Scrapfreakintastic!
  5. Jennifer @ Life with the Lebedas


  1. Your so Sweet!! Thank You for thinking of me! I'm getting my things together to leave town but i will totally work on this sometime this week!!

    Thanks Again and Congrats on your award!!

    By the wall i love your new site and Congrats on that too!

  2. Great getting to know you more. Totally know the one handed thing especially when I was nursing. =D
    Cute picture of your kids!

  3. Thanks so much! I love your new blog. Its so fun and full of inspiration.

  4. Awww thanks Sarah! I hope to catch up to it later tonight or tomorrow :)You have been crafting like crazy!!! I love that Christmas book - great job.

  5. Yahoooo!!!!! what an awesome surprise upon my return to blogging. Thank you so much for the award.. I'm proudly display it tomorrow :)

    Oh and you know I am a follower!

    ~Emily N. from "too Blessed to Stress"

  6. So Sorry I just posted the award but thank again!!

    I also left you another award on my blog!!


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